Streaming guidelines

  1. Customers can post gameplay videos and still images imported from our studio content to a shared site.
  2. There are no particular restrictions on monetization.
  3. Posting of content that falls under or may fall under the following items is prohibited.
    • Those that do not follow this guideline.
    • Posts by our studio or its affiliates that are misleading.
    • Contents that are contrary to the facts
    • Content that violates crimes, anti-social activities, or other laws and regulations in each country, or that affirms or encourages such activities.
    • Violates intellectual property rights.
    • Content that involves unauthorized access, unauthorized acquisition, alteration, or falsification of programs or data, or content that affirms or encourages unauthorized access.
    • Anything that damages the image or reputation of related parties or the target title.
    • Anything that violates public order and morals. -Other content that the studio deems inappropriate.